Örnek BLOG - Lab Have Designed ‘New Moon’ As Part Of The Lumiere Shanghai Festival

Design studio Mur Mur Lab have created New Moon, a light sculpture that’s been included as part of the Lumiere Shanghai festival in China.


Inspired by the shape of the moon, the sculpture features three arcs made from Fibre-reinforced plastic, that make up the design.

Photography & Project

Photography & Project

Bernardes Arquitetura have designed Gurumê, an open and modern Japanese restaurant in the Ipanema neighborhood of Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

The main room of the restaurant is a large and vaulted space, that’s like a tunnel clad in wood. Lined with slats of cumaru wood, the main room has a warm and relaxed feeling, with a communal table, designed by Bernardes Arquitetura, placed in the center of the room to stimulate people to interact with each other.


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Inspired by the ocean and fishing vessels, oxidized copper and natural wood have been used as the main materials throughout the restaurant, like in the upper level.

The handmade ‘off white’ tile, used on the floor, becomes neutral and highlights the other materials. All the furniture, including the communal table, the wood benches, the Corian benches and countertops, have been designed by Bernardes Arquitetura, and the chairs are designed by Fernando Jaeger.


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